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In oncological diseases, the cells of the body as a result of mutation begin to multiply uncontrollably. The following factors can provoke this process: genetic predisposition, exposure to unfavorable ecology, ionizing radiation, aging, some viruses, junk diet. We cannot control most of the above, but everyone can influence the quality of their food. It is enough to know which foods cause cancer and exclude them from your menu.

A carcinogen is an agent with the property of disrupting the genetic apparatus. As a result of the consumption of carcinogenic food, organism loses control over cell division, and a malignant neoplasm occurs. Moreover, the negative effect on the body of carcinogens may not appear immediately. Let's list the carcinogenic products causing oncology.

  • Food additives "E", many of which have strong carcinogenic properties (cause cancer of the digestive tract and skin). The most dangerous: E102, E123, E127, E284, E 285, E512, E574, E999, E1200.
  • Nitrate products. Nitrates, entering the body with vegetables and fruits, pass through the filter - the liver. If you abuse nitrates constantly, then the poisons will accumulate in the liver and can provoke its cancer.
  • White flour, sugar. Products made from it contain a large amount of fast carbohydrates.  As a result of excessive consumption of muffins, white bread, sugar, digestive and metabolic processes can be disrupted. If such disturbances in nutrition are permanent, then a malignant tumor of the colon may develop.
  • Food cooked in reused oil, which produces one of the most powerful carcinogens, benzpyrene. First of all, it adversely affects the liver and bone marrow (causes leukemia). Moreover, benzpyrene poses a threat to health in any quantity.
  • Margarine and mayonnaise because of their dangerous fillers (trans fats). If the consumption of these products exceeds 1 / 4-1 / 5 of the total diet, then the risk of bowel, breast and prostate cancer increases dramatically.
  • Moldy bread because it produces highly toxic poisons - aflatoxins, strong carcinogens that threaten the liver.
  • Sausage and smoked meats, because they contain nitrites, nitrosamines and a number of food additives. They can cause gastrointestinal tumors.
  • Liver and fatty meat, due to the fact that it is there that most toxins accumulate. Therefore, it is recommended to consume such products no more than 3 times a week.
  • Boiled water multiple times. Water boilad more than 4-5 times increases the content of carcinogenic substances - dioxins, which can lead to breast cancer.
  • Coffee increases the risk of bladder and pancreatic cancer when consumed more than 5-6 cups daily.
  • Alcohol. The carcinogenic substances in alcoholic beverages are harmful to the liver, pancreas, throat, pharynx and esophagus.
  • Carbonated drinks are harmful to health. They contain artificial sweeteners, the carcinogenicity of which is still considered open. Dangerous also  dye 4-methylimidazole contained in the lemonade, recognized as a carcinogen causing tumors of the liver, thyroid gland.

Food has not only carcinogenic potential but also cancer-fighting potential. They are mainly found in plant foods and seafood. A lack of such foods in a person's diet increases the risk of developing cancer.

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