Common products for vitality and energy

Common products for vitality and energy

| |  Diet and Nutrition

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As a rule, in order to invigorate and relieve the remnants of fatigue after sleep, we start our day with a cup of aromatic coffee. Then we drink one more cup to recover from the exhausting journey to the office, another one to recharge before the meeting, to cope with our duties.

However, doctors say that such attempts to cheer up and recharge themselves with energy often lead to unpleasant consequences. Excess caffeine can cause health problems such as dehydration, migraines, heart and gastrointestinal problems.

To feel cheerful, include the following useful foods in your diet:

Due to their high nutritional value, nuts perfectly satisfy hunger, stimulate the brain and have an invigorating effect. Only they are preferable to eat in the morning, because of their high calorie content.


Due to their high nutritional value, nuts perfectly satisfy hunger, stimulate the brain and have an invigorating effect. Only they are preferable to eat in the morning, because of their high calorie content.

Green tea

Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in tea, especially green tea. Oddly enough, a cup of this delicious drink will give you more energy than a cup of coffee.


Dehydration may well be the cause of fatigue, so water should be drunk throughout the day and in sufficient quantities. And a glass of water with lemon juice drunk in the morning before breakfast will make the body shake up and work at full capacity.


Peppermint tones the brain, contains many vitamins and essential oils, and, above all, is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency. You can add it to tea, or just chew a fresh mint leaf for vivacity. But it is worth considering that it is preferable for women, as it reduces the level of male hormones in men.


These fruits contain many nutrients, including boron, which helps us focus. In addition, apples improve digestion and overall health.


All berries, especially raspberries, blueberries and blueberries, not only stimulate the body, but also have a lot of essential vitamins and minerals.


A large family of citrus fruits - orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, bergamot and kumquat - contains a lot of vitamin C, therefore, it has an invigorating and tonic effect. With the usual breakdown, orange juice helps very well, one glass a day. Citrus juice and peel are also used in invigorating drinks.


Perfect for an energetic breakfast, due to fiber and complex carbohydrates. It is especially useful with fruits and a spoonful of honey. After such a breakfast you will be full of strength and energy for a long time.


This low-calorie leafy vegetable is an excellent source of iron, which is actively involved in the body's energy metabolism. For better absorption, be sure to drizzle fresh or cooked spinach with a few drops of lemon juice.


They generously supply healthy plant protein and complex carbohydrates to maintain comfortable energy levels throughout the day. Lentils or beans combined with a fresh salad make a great all-round meal, even for meat-eaters.

Sea fish

Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel - all these types of fish supply us with essential Omega-3 acids that take care of the blood vessels, nourish the brain, improve concentration and mood. The protein found in fish is also excellently absorbed, goes into building muscles and ensures a feeling of fullness. Don't forget to include it in your menu 2-3 times a week.

Bitter chocolate

A piece of dark chocolate is an easy alternative to strong coffee. Cocoa improves concentration and tones. It contains caffeine and theobromine: these substances give a mild vigor effect without a sharp rise in blood pressure and heart rate. Cocoa is also known for the presence of anandamide, which increases the level of the hormone of happiness endorphin, so it will not only help you wake up, but also give you an excellent mood for a cheerful start to the day.

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