Evangelical Community Hospital
One Hospital Drive, 17837

Evangelical Community Hospital - Complete review

Main Information
Location: Pennsylvania , Lewisburg
Common rating:
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Likelihood of recommending Evangelical Community Hospital to family and friends is 4 out of 5

 Complete review:

Overall Review Rating:
June 29th, 2013 20:00
Quality of Care:
I arrived at ECH by private vehicle at 11:30PM on a Saturday. Immediately prior I had been experiencing faintness, a numb/weak sensation in the right arm and BP was about 180/100, causing me to fear a stroke.

The nurse was sitting right next to the receptionist , and after filling out the registration form, she took my BP which was 178/104. I was immediately given a Ativan pill and taken to one of the ER cubicle rooms, never had to even sit down. For the next two hours or so I was given a battery of tests including a CAT scan. Preliminary tests were negative for stroke, but BP remained elevated. It was suggested I be admitted for observation and undergo a MRI later in the morning.

I ended up staying a second night with tests negative for stroke. The MRI also showed no evidence of a brain tumor, which is great for peace of mind.

During my stay in the ER various hospital personnel were in and out continuously, I was never unattended for more than fifteen minutes.

Overall I was impressed by the friendliness of all the staff, including physicians,nurses and technicians. They were quite helpful in explaining what tests were administered along with the results.

Two ER physicians spent a total of nearly twenty minutes talking to me in the ER. That might not seem like a lot of time, but I've been in hospitals where an ER physician never spoke with me personally

Even though my only measurable symptom was hypertension, everyone took my case seriously and I did not receive the impression I was wasting their time.
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