The main myths about second birth

The main myths about second birth

| |  Midwifery

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Myth 1. If there is little difference between children, it will be easier to give birth

Some women still believe in this dangerous belief. You cannot disseminate such information! If a woman has had a natural birth, it takes at least 2 years for the body to fully recover. If the first birth was with the help of cesarean, then the figure increases to 3 years. At the same time, do not forget about your psychological state, moral readiness, financial capacity, and so on.

Myth 2. There will be no natural childbirth after a cesarean section.
If the caesarean section was done for reasons that have not gone away (poor eyesight, a narrow pelvis, etc.), then yes, there is no other way to give birth. But if the cesarean was done because of the size of the fetus, cord entanglement or other emergency situations, then the next birth may well occur naturally. The main thing is that there should be a gap of at least three years between them.

Myth 2. There will be no natural childbirth after a cesarean section

If the caesarean section was done for reasons that have not gone away (poor eyesight, a narrow pelvis, etc.), then yes, there is no other way to give birth. But if the cesarean was done because of the size of the fetus, cord entanglement or other emergency situations, then the next birth may well occur naturally. The main thing is that there should be a gap of at least three years between them.

Myth 3. If at the first birth there were ruptures of the cervix, then at the next they will be repeated

There are no "repeated" ruptures of the cervix. They can occur due to too large a fetus, due to the unprofessionalism of doctors or the wrong actions of the woman in labor. The skin itself has the ability to stretch, so if everything goes as it should, there will be no breaks the second and subsequent times.

Myth 4: Second labor is faster and easier

On average, contractions during the first birth last six to twelve hours. As a rule, in the second and subsequent pregnancies, this process occurs slightly faster. From a medical point of view, a second birth is characterized by a faster dilatation of the cervix, which, on the one hand, speeds up the process, and on the other, it can cause severe pain. In addition, the age of the woman in labor, her health and psychological state play an important role.

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