If a child stutters: recommendations for parents

If a child stutters: recommendations for parents

| |  Speech Pathology / Therapy

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Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by multiple repetitions of words, syllables, and their lengthening. There are also stops during speech, which destroy its rhythmic flow.

Stuttering is classified into:

Logoneurosis, or neurotic stuttering. It occurs as a result of a traumatic situation in children prone to neurotic reactions, which arise due to the innate characteristics of the nervous system.

Neurosis-like stuttering. Unlike the first type, it arises gradually, when the child begins to speak in whole phrases. It can often be noticed that, in addition to speech problems, such a baby lags behind both in physical and mental development. A neurological examination of such a child will most likely reveal signs of a general lesion of the central nervous system, which are the reasons for stuttering in this case.

Causes of stuttering

Experts distinguish between predisposing and provoking causes of stuttering.

Predisposing causes of stuttering include the following:

  • nervous, common diseases in parents, pathologies of an infectious nature (measles, rubella, tetanus), negatively affecting the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • neuropathic disorders in a child (increased anxiety);
  • pathology of the autonomic nervous system, increased susceptibility of the child to negative external factors;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • serious organic lesions of the central nervous system associated with a lack of oxygen, mechanical effects, the influence of toxins, infectious agents.

The provoking reasons for the appearance of logoneurosis:

  • severe mental trauma;
  • severe fright;
  • brain injury;
  • diseases of the brain of an organic nature;
  • excessive load on the nervous system after the destructive effect of bacteria toxins, viruses, and other pathologies;
  • delay in the development of speech in a child;
  • increased demands on the child from adults;
  • use of two or more languages ​​for communication at home;
  • imitation of a child's stuttering relative.

The most common symptoms of stuttering are:

  • increase halts when the pronunciation of words;
  • adding extra words to speech, in which there is no semantic load;
  • violation of the coordination of the tongue, lips;
  • the presence of cramps in the hands and face;
  • fear of long conversation;
  • shortening of exhalation;
  • decreased alertness, memory, fatigue.


To diagnose logoneurosis, a child needs a consultation with a competent speech therapist, psychologist and pediatrician. Collection of anamnesis data, clarification of the factors that led to the appearance of the problem is important for the diagnosis of a speech defect.

During the examination of children with stuttering, specialists determine the form of pathology, the frequency of occurrence, the duration of speech seizures. By observing the patient's speech, the features of the rhythm of speech, voice, breathing are assessed. Experts pay close attention to the presence of accompanying movements, speech disorders.

In order to exclude concomitant diseases of the central nervous system, carry out:

  • MRI diagnostics;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • EEG of the brain.


Treatment for stuttering is complex, and should only be started after passing a comprehensive examination.

If it turns out that the child has a neurotic type of stuttering (logoneurosis), then the child psychologist will become the main specialist with whom you will be in contact. Its main tasks will be teaching ways of relaxation, relieving muscle and emotional tension, increasing the child's emotional resistance to stress, teaching parents how to effectively interact with the child, taking into account its properties of the nervous system. Also, the doctor can prescribe pharmacotherapy in the form of sedatives and drugs that relieve muscle spasms. And of course, as with any speech pathology, work with a speech therapist will be required.

In case of neurosis-like stuttering, it is more necessary to cooperate with a speech therapist-defectologist, because this type of stuttering requires more speech therapy assistance, which should be regular and continuous in order to teach the child to speak correctly. There is also a dynamic observation of a neurologist, who is likely to prescribe a long-term complex medication.

Recommendations for parents

For a child to overcome stuttering, only working with specialists is not enough. It is important to learn how to interact constructively with the child and create a calm, understanding atmosphere in the house, otherwise the work of specialists will be useless.

Here's what you can do at home:

  • Adhere to a daily routine, it helps structure the anxiety.
  • Keep the baby's sleep at night for at least 8 hours.
  • Get in the habit of talking to your child in a leisurely, low, calm voice. Express the same wishes to the kindergarten teachers.
  • It is necessary to limit visits to spectacular events and noisy companies. This is very important for maintaining a stable emotional background of the baby.
  • Give your child the opportunity to finish their thoughts and sentences on their own, do not negotiate for him
  • Show affection more often, support the child with tactile contact.
  • Criticize less, praise even the smallest successes more often.
  • Teach your child the techniques of self-soothingness and meditation, practice breathing exercises
  • Monitor your mental balance, if you feel that you have become unnecessarily irritable, consult a psychologist.

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