7 ways to be more patient

7 ways to be more patient

| |  Psychotherapy

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Patience is one of the most beneficial character traits we can develop. You can't live without patience. Whether you want to achieve certain goals, become financially successful, or do something worthwhile in life, you must learn to wait and know how to be patient.

A few facts about patience:

Patience may even be more important than talent. Of course, innate abilities will give you an advantage, but if they are not tempered with patience and a willingness to keep a clear vector of the goal, then you will not expect success. However, even if you are not quick enough, keep in mind that your persistence can be a powerful tool in achieving your goals.

Patience can help you resist impulsive desires. It is clear that verbal or physical abuse can sabotage important relationships, disrupt your career, or even endanger your life (for example, rudeness on a roads). Or, for example, an uncontrolled addiction to food, alcohol, can lead to addiction and subsequent damage to health.

Patience improves your relationship. People find comfort and satisfaction in being close to those who can be trusted, who fulfill their obligations and who will always support in difficult times.

Patience reduces anxiety. Life will not always go just the way we want it. And when we switch our attention to what we can do in a particular situation, as well as to accept what we cannot change, we become calmer and do not waste valuable energy on caustic remarks and demands that everything happens only our way.

Patience is an exercise in accepting the fact that sometimes things take time. Sometimes it takes a while before we see any signs of progress, but with patience, we are more likely to withstand the wait until the changes and developments that are taking place become apparent.

So, here are some ways to improve your patience: 

  1. Rethink the way you see the situation. If your friend is 15 minutes late, then instead of automatically assuming that he is disorganized, or inattentive, try to consider other reasons for being late. Perhaps he is stuck in a traffic jam, his tire is flat, or he missed the time when you should meet.
  2. Be grateful. When we get impatient with people or life itself that isn't going the way we want it to be, it's worth stopping and making a gratitude list, be it mentally or on paper. What are the factors on your side? For what can you thank right now, instead of collecting all the strength for the desired result, which may or may not materialize?
  3. Expect difficulties. Optimism is useful within reason, and it is frivolous to assume that everything will go smoothly, and when faced with obstacles, give back. The ability to be realistic and patient with adversity will increase your chances of dealing with the situation.
  4. Learn to stop. When you are stressed or negative, take five slow, deep breaths. Watch your breathing and let go of other worries. Focus your attention on this moment, not on thinking about the past or the future. Pay attention to your feelings, thoughts, and body sensations. Develop the ability to continue to take the next step consciously, guided by your inner wisdom rather than indulging in impulsive urges.
  5. Let go of perfectionism. It is difficult to be patient with other people and circumstances when you are asking too much of yourself. You may find that the best place to start practicing patience is at home and in your own soul. If you make a mistake, recognize what you can learn and keep moving forward. Remember, no child has ever learned to walk without falling over and over and getting up to take the next hesitant step.
  6. Don't let your sentiments rule your decisions. Never make the biggest decisions when you're in a bad mood or short on time. Wait. Be patient. Be especially wary of four factors: being too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. If you find yourself in this state, take a snack, calm down, talk with a friend, or sleep. Once you do this, you will be able to take a fresh look at the situation and reapply power to resolve it.
  7. Realize your addiction to anger, irritation, and anger. They can easily become a habit if you encourage this behavior. Create a list of positive emotions. For example, joy, admiration, friendliness, enthusiasm. Try to evoke these emotions in yourself. If you can now, then this is not a problem at any time in your life. There is always a choice. Do you want to feel hurt and hurt? You usually don't need to do anything for this. But if you choose a good mood and make a little effort, you can enter a new state for yourself.

The first time you try to be patient, you will still be faced with the result of your past beliefs. You may still have a fear of an argument, an accident, which will push you to worry. However, do not be discouraged, accept calmly your imperfection.

You will be very helpful to yourself if you don't feel scared and depressed. Be prepared in advance that a new habit will be difficult to cultivate and will require frequent practice.

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