Urticaria in children - causes and prevention

Urticaria in children - causes and prevention

| |  Pediatric Dermatology

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Urticaria appears in the form blisters on the skin and painful itching. Urticaria in children may develop as a separate reaction, but may be a symptom of the disease. In early childhood dominated by acute form of urticaria, and after 10 years is already beginning to dominate the chronic urticaria. Parents are particularly concerned about the acute rash in infants, that is often the cause of hospitalization.

Causes of Urticaria (Hives) in Children

The increase in the number of cases of hives and other allergic diseases in children is associated with a modern urbanization, deteriorating ecology and the widespread use of chemicals in everyday life. For babies give medicines and foods that contain preservatives and fragrances.

The most frequent causes of hives in children

  • Heredity (whose parents have a history of allergic diseases);
  • Food products as a cause of urticaria, especially in infants, because of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract. Products that more frequently than others provoke allergies - dairy products, eggs, shellfish, crabs, shrimp, chocolate, citrus, pineapple, honey, nuts, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes;
  • Medicinal products, especially antibiotics, antipyretics, anticonvulsants, vitamin B1;
  • Physical factors - cold, heat, vibration, sunlight, sweat, friction;
  • Insect poison. Very often the cause of hives in children may be a bee sting, gadflies, wasps, jellyfish, spiders, mosquitoes, mosquitoes;
  • Infections - Allergens bacterial and viral origin can cause hives in pre-school and primary school children, as the immune system at this age is reduced;
  • Air and contact allergens. At school age, is enhanced sensitization to allergens of inhaled origin: house dust, mite pets, pets hair, mold, parasites, pollen;
  • Blood transfusion as a response of the organism;
  • Unexplained cause of hives is called idiopathic.

Prevention of Hives in Children

If anyone in the family has allergies or in a child already was observed urticaria or other allergies, for the prevention of urticaria in children should heed to the following recommendations:

  • In the house should not be pets - dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, fish, etc.
  • Daily wet cleaning.
  • It is advisable not to grow indoor plants.
  • Avoid carpets and floor coverings.
  • In the room in which the baby sleeps, should not be a lot of books. In any case they must be located behind the glass.
  • Pillows should be hypoallergenic.
  • Hardening and strengthening the immune system of the child.
  • All new foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, carefully watching the reaction of the baby.

At occurrence any symptoms of urticaria in children it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the true cause of the disease.

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