Various Types Of Dermal Fillers

Various Types Of Dermal Fillers

| |  Dermatology

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An inject able facial implant, also referred to as facial soft tissue fillers, wrinkle fillers, or dermal fillers, are special medical implants. These have received approval from numerous medical boards and councils for being used in order to create a fuller and smoother appearance on one's face including in such areas as the lips and cheeks.

Just because a wrinkle-filler is available in the market does not mean that it is suitable for fighting any type of wrinkle. It is only by using the correct product that one can expect the best results and least risks. This is the primary reason why such fillers should only be injected by plastic surgeons and dermatologists certified by the board and who possess special training in this regard.

Types of Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid Wrinkle Fillers

Hyaluronic acid ranks as the most popular category of wrinkle filler present in the market. The various products that fall under this category of dermal fillers have a different way of working with varying results in each case.

The use of this product rarely produces any type of side effect. However bruising, swelling, and redness may be observed at the site where the injection is administered. The filler material also tends to show up in the form of tiny bumps under the skin, although the problem seemingly recedes over a period of time.

The extent of effect after use of this cosmetic filler product varies from anywhere between several months to over a couple of years. Results gathered from extensive research points to the fact that the use of repeated injections helps in stimulating the natural collagen production in the body, which causes a reduction in the number of wrinkles and lines. Evidence also exists that over a period of time, less amount of the filler material is required for achieving the same looks.

Synthetic Wrinkle Fillers

A relatively smaller category of cosmetic filler products, these include a number of lab-made substances that hold no relation to what is naturally present in the skin.

The side effects of all filler products that fall in this category are similar, including bruising, swelling, and redness at the injection site. Other normal side effects that are prominent and visible include Bumps and nodules under the skin. In rare circumstances, these may even require surgical treatment to be removed.

A longer-lasting effect is its biggest benefit. Moreover, the synthetic wrinkle fillers offer a permanent filling of the creases and lines on one's face. However, it is also crucial to remember that improper usage of this category of dermal fillers can result in total disfigurement.

Autologous Wrinkle Fillers

The primary ingredient for all products in this category is fat. Fat from the stomach, buttocks, or thighs of an individual are surgically removed and treated before being injected back into the face. The results of using this type of cosmetic filler is usually semi-permanent, but if over a period of time a number of injections are administered, it can help produce permanent results.

Another type of autologous wrinkle filler is platelet-rich plasma injections. The process of treatment involves drawing blood from the arm and then injected into the face, with effects lasting for around 12 to 18 months. The risks of using this type of dermal filler are no different from the rest with swelling, bruising and redness, being the most common outcomes.


While it is not the most pleasant experience to have a needle piercing one's skin, wrinkle treatments do not give us much choice. For those who have an insurmountable fear of injections, the only way to overcome this fear is to sit back and think of how beautiful their skin will look following a surgery. The rest of the process should be pretty easy, once they have overcome this fear.

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