Infections of the inner ear. Dizziness (vertigo)

Infections of the inner ear. Dizziness (vertigo)

| |  Otology / Neurotology

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Infections and inflammation of the inner ear promote dizziness and often are only the residual effects after of various diseases.

Vertigo - a painful condition that causes discomfort in humans and has a direct impact on the position in space. Bouts of dizziness sometimes happen so intense that the person is difficult to stand still, keeping his balance.

The causes of dizziness

Vertigo is often caused by an infection of the inner ear. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo occurs when a particle of calcium fall into the inner ear canal. The inner ear sends signals to the brain about the movement of the body in relation to the earth's surface, so the person can maintain balance and move in a level position. Positional vertigo may be related to the age of the patient or infection which develops in the middle ear. Other most common causes of vertigo are such diseases:

  • Meniere's disease. This is an internal disturbance in the ear, caused by accumulation of fluid and changing pressure levels in the ear. Such a condition is accompanied by ringing in the ears and hearing loss.
  • Vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis. The disease is the result of a viral infection that causes inflammation of the inner ear close to the nerves, which play an important role in determining the sense of balance of the body.
  • Hemorrhage in the cerebellum also provokes vertigo. Can be diagnosed on the basis of headaches, difficulty in walking, moving his eyes from side to side is difficult.
  • Head or neck injury. One possible reason - a blow to the neck or the crown region. Basically it passes after recovery, if there is no serious violations.
  • Multiple sclerosis. Age-related disorder in which the patient can not move their eyes at the level of the line and the tip of the nose.
  • Complications due to diabetes. Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The disease is characterized by reduced blood flow to the brain, as a consequence, there is dizziness.

The main symptoms of Vertigo

Another factor contributing to the appearance of vertigo - a disease of the brain, tumors, stroke, Pre-stroke conditions.

Loss of balance may persist, even if the patient is in a horizontal position. This is an alarming symptom. Strictly speaking, if such a condition persists more than a few days, you should consult your doctor and to hand over the necessary tests in order to determine the cause of dizziness.

Vertigo may be characterized by varying degrees of intensity of sensations, patients often describe their condition as "unstable, unbalanced." At the dizziness may occur feeling that person moves on the bias, orientation in space is violated, coordination difficult.

Additional symptoms of vertigo:

  • nausea;
  • Nystagmus (abnormal twitching of the eyelid)
  • headache;
  • increased sweating;
  • ringing in the ears, hearing loss.

The symptoms can last from a few minutes to several hours or more, symptoms may repeat through certain intervals or chaotically.

Treatment of Vertigo

Treatment of vertigo depends on what caused the condition. In many cases, dizziness passes without any treatment or the use of auxiliary means. This occurs because the brain is able to adapt to the internal changes in the middle ear, leaning on other mechanisms the body required to maintain equilibrium.

In some cases, treatment is necessary, and is as follows:

  1. 1. Vestibular rehabilitation. This type of physical therapy aimed at strengthening of the vestibular apparatus. Vestibular rehabilitation may be recommended if the patient experiencing recurrent bouts of vertigo. The procedure helps to train other senses to compensate for the feeling of dizziness. Neurologists prescribes the patients to perform a series of movements of the head and body for getting rid of any type of vertigo. Such procedures performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
  2. Pharmaceutical care. In certain cases, the treatment of vertigo is carried out using preparations from seasickness or nausea, which are selected individually. If dizziness caused by infection and inflammation, doctors is first adjusted the reason (type of infection) and then determine the shape of the treatment. For example, in Meniere's disease most commonly prescribed diuretics - drugs for removing excess fluid from the body.
  3. Surgical treatment. Lets get rid of the problem drastically - by removing the causes of vertigo. Often used when brain tumors or neoplasms the middle ear. For example, acoustic neuroma is a species of a tumor of nerve tissue of the ear, causing dizziness.

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